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Thursday, 24 September 2015

Congratulations to St Michael's for being re-accredited with the Internatinal School Award

Well done to all the children and staff at St Michael's who have just been re-accredited with the International School Award like St Bede. Both schools are outstanding examples of how to introduce international themes and topics into their daily lives and teaching.

Monday, 21 September 2015

Hello to our friends at St Bede

Yes we got back to school on Tuesday 8th September. We have re-applied for the International School award and are waiting to see if we have got it again. Well done that St Bede got their International Schools Award. Both of our schools do lots of International activities don't we!

We learn French from Y2 to Y5 at St Michael's and then in Y6 we do a year of Spanish.

We write to some children at a school in Malaga which is in the south of Spain by the Mediterranean sea. Here is a picture of the flag for their region. Their region is called Andalucia. It is the same region where your penfriends from Seville live.
The flag of Andalucia. Malaga and Seville are both in this region.

 This is the flag of Lancashire. Bolton is in Lancashire 
This is St Michael's play area for KS2

Hello to our friends at St Michael's!

Hi there friends at St Michael's. We came back to school on Monday 7th September. When did you go back to school?

We are really pleased as we have just got our International School Award again. We hope you have too.

This year we are continuing to write to our friends in Seville in the South of Spain. We believe you have pen friends in Malaga and write to them.

We also write to some children in the United States of America. Do you have links with any other schools around the world?

This is the school in Seville. We write to the children here!
Please let us know!!
This is St Bede School

Monday, 16 March 2015

Y2 children at St Bede enjoy a French breakfast

The Y2 children enjoyed un petit-dejeuner francais eating un pain au chocolat and drinking un chocolat chaud.

miam miam un pain au chocolat

Chocolat chaud dans mon bol

drinking from un bol like a French girl!

Miam miam du chocolat chaud dans mon bol

Los alumnos de Y6 a St Bede van a la cafeteria .The Y6 children at St Bede go to the cafe

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Y3 at St Michael's have enjoyed a French breakfast

The year 3 children at St Michael's primary school enjoyed un petit-dejeuner francais today. They each ate un pain au choclat and du chocolat chaud. The children had to ask for the food and drink very politely so they said: Je voudrais un pain au chocolat et du chocolat chaud s'il vous plait. They had to say Merci = thank you when they had been served. All of the children said 'Miam miam! as they were eating which means yummy yummy!

In France people can drink from a bowl which they call un bol.

Here are some photos of Y3 .
drinking from un bol

eating un pain au chocolat

Miam! Miam!
In France people can drink from a bowl which they call un bol.

Here are some photos of Y3 .

Friday, 30 January 2015

St Michael's Primary and St Bede Academy in Bolton share their learning in Spanish and French

The children in both schools learn French and Spanish. The children will share their learning with each other!

This will be a fun collaboration between the two schools.